Tinkerboard Wiki

Getting Started

Hardware Required:

../_images/hardware-requirements-1.jpg ../_images/hardware-requirement-2.jpg

Flashing the image

You can flash the image using either:

  1. Commandline
  2. GUI

Using commandline

unzip Tinkerboard-shunya-xxxx-image-0.1.zip
cd Tinkerboard-shunya-xxxx-image-0.1


Please replace xxxx with desktop or console dependending on the image you downloaded

If you are using a built in Memory card reader then use the command below:

sudo dd if=shunya-xxxx-image-tinker-rk3288-gpt.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress


If you are using a USB SD-Card adapter use the command below:

sudo dd if=shunya-xxxx-image-tinker-rk3288-gpt.img of=/dev/sdx status=progress


Please replace x in /dev/sdx with your device(eg /dev/sdb)

Using GUI

  • Step 1:Right click on the zip file downloaded and select Extract here
  • Step 2:Once the image is unzipped double click on the unzipped image folder in which you will find the image and release info
  • Step 3:Right click on the image
  • Step 4:Select Open with -> Disk image writer
  • Step 5:Choose Destination as SD Card Reader
  • Step 6:Enter your password


Network Devices available:

  • Wifi
  • Ethernet
  • Bluetooth

Using a Camera on Tinkerboard

Using GStreamer

To record a video in the avi format use the following command

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src ! avimux ! filesink location=filename.avi -e

To record a video in the mkv format use the following command

gst-launch-1.0 -e v4l2src ! videoconvert ! matroskamux ! filesink location=filename.mkv


Device number might change so be careful.


To install ffmpeg use the following command:

sudo apt install ffmpeg

To check the index of the USB use v4l-utils.You can install it and get the index using the commands below:

sudo apt install v4l-utils
v4l2-ctl --list-devices

To record a video using ffmpeg the following command can be used:

ffmpeg -i /dev/video0 filename.avi


ffmpeg -f v4l2 -video_size 640x480 -i /dev/video0 -c:v libx264 filename.mp4

Sound on Tinkerboard

Sound recording and playback is tested using a USB Mic and a Speaker connected to USB Sound Adapter. Sound playback is also tested using the audio jack.


Device and card numbers might change so be careful.

Sound Recording

To list the recording devices you can use this command:

arecord -l

To record a wav file you can use the following command:

arecord -vv -Dplughw:2,0 -f dat filename.wav

Sound Playback

To list the playback devices use this command:

aplay -l

To playback a wav file from the audio jack use the following command:

aplay -vv --device=hw:0,2 filename.wav

To playback a wav file from the Speaker connect to USB Sound Adapter use the following command:

aplay -vv --device=hw:2,0 filename.wav

OpenCV on Tinkerboard

Install OpenCV-3.3

sudo opkg install python3-opencv

Test OpenCV-3.3

 sudo opkg install git
 git clone https://github.com/shunyaos/object-recognition-dnn.git
 cd object-recognition-dnn
 python3 detect.py

Test Outcome

Release info

Shunya O/s Version: 0.1-Beta

Kernel Version: 4.4.103

Bootloader: U-BOOT

Bootloader Version:

Desktop Environment (if applicable): XFCE