Motion Detection on Shunya OS using OpenCV


This demo allows user to detect motion using Opencv at any remote location. It also sends images back to the user if a motion is detected with the help of MQTT.

Hardware required:

  • A board with Shunya OS
  • USB Video Camera
  • PC

Pre-requisites for the board with Shunya OS:

This project has these software pre-requisites to run on a board with Shunya OS

  • paho-mqtt
  • python3
  • python3-pip
  • OpenCV on python3

Except for OpenCV on python3 all the other pre-requisites can be installed by running these commands

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip
$ pip3 install imutils paho-mqtt

Pre-requisites for PC/Laptop:

This project has these software pre-requisites to run on PC/Laptop.

  • paho-mqtt
  • python3
  • python3-pip

All the pre-requisites can be installed by running these commands

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip
$ pip3 install paho-mqtt

Steps for the Motion Detection Demo:

To run Run a demo of this project please follow these steps. We assume that you have already installed the pre-requisites before following these steps.

Step 1 : Cloning the Project

on PC/Laptop run command to clone this project

$ git clone

On a board with Shunya OS run this command to clone the project

$ git clone

Step 2: Starting MQTT on PC/Laptop

Run the present in the pc folder

$ cd motion_detection/pc
$ python3

Step 3: Starting the Demo on a board with Shunya OS

Run the Demo program

$ python3

As soon as you run the code the first frame is taken as frame of reference. As any motion is detected from the first frame of reference it captures an image and sends it back to the user through MQTT.