######################################## Orangepi-zero Wiki ######################################## Getting Started =============== **Hardware Required:** .. image:: extra/hardware-requirements-3.jpg :align: center **Software Required:** 1) picocom To install the software run the following command: .. code-block:: shell sudo apt-get install picocom Flashing the image ------------------- You can flash the image using either: 1) Commandline 2) GUI Using commandline ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: shell unzip OrangePi-zero-shunya-console-image-0.1.zip cd OrangePi-zero-shunya-console-image-0.1 **If you are using a built in Memory card reader then use the command below:** .. code-block:: shell sudo dd if=shunya-console-image-orange-pi-zero.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress **OR** If you are using a USB SD-Card adapter use the command below: .. code-block:: shell sudo dd if=shunya-console-image-orange-pi-zero.img of=/dev/sdx status=progress .. note:: Please replace x in /dev/sdx with your device(eg /dev/sdb) Using GUI ~~~~~~~~~~ - **Step 1:Right click on the zip file downloaded and select Extract here** - **Step 2:Once the image is unzipped double click on the unzipped image folder in which you will find the image and release info** - **Step 3:Right click on the image** - **Step 4:Select Open with -> Disk image writer** - **Step 5:Choose Destination as SD Card Reader** - **Step 6:Enter your password** Accessing the system using serial console ------------------------------------------ Steps: ~~~~~~ - Insert the SD card into the board - Connect the USB to TTL device between the board and the computer/laptop .. image:: extra/OPi_Zero_UART.jpg :align: center - Start picocom on your laptop/board using the command below: .. code-block:: shell sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 - Power on the board with the help of 5V/2A power supply .. note:: Congratulations! You are now booting your newly installed Shunya OS directly on Orangepi-zero! Login details ------------- For user shunya the login details are: .. code-block:: shell Username: shunya Password: shunya Networking =========== **Network Devices available:** - Wifi - Ethernet Using a Camera on Orangepi-zero =============================== Using GStreamer --------------- **To record a video in the avi format use the following command** .. code-block:: shell gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src ! avimux ! filesink location=filename.avi -e **To record a video in the mkv format use the following command** .. code-block:: shell gst-launch-1.0 -e v4l2src ! videoconvert ! matroskamux ! filesink location=filename.mkv .. note:: Device number might change so be careful. Using FFMPEG ------------- To install ffmpeg use the following command: .. code-block:: shell sudo apt install ffmpeg **To check the index of the USB use v4l-utils.You can install it and get the index using the commands below:** .. code-block:: shell sudo apt install v4l-utils v4l2-ctl --list-devices **To record a video using ffmpeg the following command can be used:** .. code-block:: shell ffmpeg -i /dev/video0 filename.avi **OR** .. code-block:: shell ffmpeg -f v4l2 -video_size 640x480 -i /dev/video0 -c:v libx264 filename.mp4 Sound on Orangepi-zero ====================== Sound recording and playback is tested using a USB Mic and a Speaker connected to USB Sound Adapter. .. note:: Device and card numbers might change so be careful. Sound Recording --------------- To list the recording devices you can use this command: .. code-block:: shell sudo arecord -l To record a wav file you can use the following command: .. code-block:: shell sudo arecord -vv -Dplughw:0,0 -f dat filename.wav Sound Playback -------------- To list the playback devices use this command: .. code-block:: shell sudo aplay -l To playback a wav file from the Speaker connect to USB Sound Adapter use the following command: .. code-block:: shell sudo aplay -vv --device=hw:0,0 filename.wav Release info ============ **Shunya O/s Version: 0.1-Beta** **Kernel Version: 4.19.25** **Bootloader: U-BOOT** **Bootloader Version:2018.09-gf88b6fa**